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Life With Ghosts

We are all experiencing

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WINNER - IndIeFEST Film Awards -
SEMI-FINALIST - Rhode Island International Film Festival - 2021.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - New York Internatio
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Orlando Internation
WINNER - Couch Film Festival - 2021 (3).
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Toronto Internation
WINNER - Mindfield Film Festival  Albuqu
WINNER - WRPN Womens International Film
FINALIST - CENFLO - 2022 (1).png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Docs Without Border
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Hudson Internationa
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Toronto Internation
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Cannes International Cinema Festival - 2021 (1).png
Selected - Harlem International Film Festival - 2022 (1).png


"Life With Ghosts is an immensely important film about a topic that will inevitably directly impact every single one of us."

Gary R. Beaver, M.A.
Licensed Psychologist


"Life With Ghosts gives us the opportunity to hear and see people talk openly and realistically about after-death communication, making it more available to everyone, and does it with sensitivity, warmth, and clarity. It truly is a great film.”

Graham Maxey, M.Div., M.A., LPC.

Humana Grief Support Group Leader


"Life With Ghosts will generate a high level of interest in nearly everyone. For many, it will be life changing. After writing this endorsement I went ahead and watched the film for a third time. It’s a masterpiece.”

Allan Botkin, Psy.D.

Founder of Induced After-Death Communication



"Life With Ghosts is an important film for anyone who has experienced the grief of losing a loved one. It is an essential film for anyone in the mental health, medical, or human services field who may provide services to grieving individuals."

Noelle R. St. Germain-Sehr, Ph.D., LPC-S, NCC, BC-TMH, ACMHP

Assistant Professor and Counseling Clinical Experience Director

William & Mary Online Counseling Program

Executive Director, IADC Board

"People need to be aware of the important message in this outstanding film."

Jeffrey Long, M.D. 

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center



“This is a story that needs to be heard as it will help us re-think our approach to human connection and the true nature of the life-death boundary.”

Lotsa Helping Hands™

Chicago, IL 60607



"Life With Ghosts is fair, balanced

     and interesting.”

Prof. Kenneth J. Doka, Ph.D.

Sr. V.P. Grief Programs

Hospice Foundation of America



"Life With Ghosts provides uniquely thorough treatment of After-Death Communication. It is with great enthusiasm and without reservation that we endorse its broadcast.”

Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC_S, ACMHP

President of the International Association for Near Death Studies



"Please consider producing versions with non-English subtitles.  It would be so worthwhile to make certain this wonderful film is fully-digested globally!"

Grodhues, Psycholog.Psychotherapeutin
IADC-Therapeutin und Trainerin
Allan-Botkin-Institut Deutschland




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