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Scholarly Journal Articles on IADC​


1. Holden, J. M., St-Germain-Sehr, N. R., Reyes, A., Loseu, S., Schmit, M. K., Laird, A., Weintraub, L, St Germain-Sehr, A., Price, E., Blalock, S., Bevly, C., Lankford, C., & Mandalise, J. (April, 2024).

Effect of induced after-death communication on grief.  Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement. *


Abstract: Using a true experimental pre/posttest research design, we compared the effects on grief symptoms of two approaches to grief counseling: traditional grief counseling (TGC) and Induced After-Death Communication (IADC). Participants were 41 bereaved adult volunteers: predominantly female, older, and white. Participants completed a pretest and 90-minute counseling session, then one week later a 90-minute session with the same counselor and modality and a posttest. On the six Hogan Grief Reaction Checklist subscales, IADC clients improved significantly more overall with a large effect. Follow-up ANCOVAs and ANCOVA of the continuing presence subscale of the Ongoing Attachment Inventory revealed IADC clients improved significantly more on one and nonsignificantly on six subscales, with two medium, four small, and one no effect. Results suggest that IADC may be an effective treatment for both complicated and uncomplicated grief. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed. 




2. St. Germain-Sehr, N. R. & Maxey, G. A. (April, 2024). Case studies in Induced After-Death Communication (IADC). Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement. *


Abstract: There is growing evidence that continuing bonds with a deceased loved one result in more adaptive responses to grief. After-death communication (ADC), a naturally-occurring phenomenon in which a living person experiences a connection to a deceased person or animal, has been shown to have beneficial impacts on those who are grieving. A process known as Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) can facilitate a receptive state in which after-death communication is likely to occur. This manuscript describes the use of IADC with two grieving clients, the impact of their experiences on continuing bonds with their deceased loved ones, and the healing effects on their grief.



*  NOTE: In regards to healthcare practitioners who pathologize those who report experiences of postmortem contact with their deceased, note that in the nine studies conducted between 1958 and 1998, at least 47% and as many as 90% of widows and widowers reported one or more after-death communications (Streit-Horn, 2011).



News Articles

Prolonged Grief Disorder Recognized as Official Diagnosis. Here’s What to Know About Chronic Mourning  by Jelena Kecmanovic, The Washington Post, Oct 21, 2021


Columbia University to Study the Neuroanatomy of Psychic Abilities  by the Institute of Noetic Sciences

Jun 30, 2021


They Lost Their Loved Ones to Covid. Then They Heard From Them Again   by John Blake, CNN 

Jun 20, 2021




After-Death Communication Fact Sheet by Jenny Streit-Horn, Ph.D., LPC-S at the 

University of North Texas


After-Death Communication Facts/Figures compiled by Michele T. Knight, Ph.D

University of Sydney


Spontaneous After-Death Communication (ADC) Power Point Presentation by Janice Miner Holden, Ed.D., LPC-S, ACMHP, Professor Emerita of Counseling, University of North Texas and​

Noelle St.Germain-Sehr, Ph.D., LPC-S, ACMHP, Clinical Assistant Professor of Counseling, William & Mary


Ghost Stories: Visits from the Deceased  Scientific American, 2008 by Vaughan Bell

After a loved one dies, most people see ghosts.






Connecting soul, spirit, mind, and body: A collection of spiritual and religious practices in counseling (pp. 3-11) by Holden, J. M. (2017). After-death communication. In R. D. Foster & J. M. Holden (Eds.),. Association for Spiritual Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling. Available for free by clicking "Read online."


The self does not die: Verified paranormal phenomena from near-death experiences (W. Boeke, Trans., J. M. Holden, Ed.). International Association for Near-Death Studies by Rivas, T., Dirven, A., & Smit, R. H. (2016). 


I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One Paperback – May 1, 2008

by Brook Noel  (Author), Pamela D. Blair Ph.D. (Author)


Induced After Death Communication: A Miraculous Therapy for Grief and Loss 

Paperback –  May 1, 2014  by Allan L. Botkin PsyD (Author), Raymond A. Moody Jr. PhD MD (Foreword), R. Craig Hogan PhD (Contributor)


The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation

by Janice Miner Holden, Bruce Greyson , et al. | Jun 22, 2009


The Super Natural: Why the Unexplained Is Real

by Whitley Strieber and Jeffrey J. Kripal | Sep 26, 2017


Adventures in the Afterlife

by William Buhlman  | Jun 16, 2013


Physics of the Soul: The Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation, and Immortality Revised Edition

by Amit Goswami Ph.D. (Author)


I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man's Self in a Transitioning Time (Mastery Trilogy/Paul Selig Series) Paperback – Jun 24, 2010

by Paul Selig  (Author)


Plato's Ghost Spiritualism in the American Renaissance 

by Cathy Gutierrez  (Author)


Among Mediums: A Scientist's Quest for Answers 

by Julie Beischel PhD (Author) Kindle –  2013


Thoughts From Heaven, Paperback – June, 2002

by Ethel Beardsworth, Harold Beardsworth (Authors)


Celestial Conversations, Healing Relationships After Death

by Lo Anne Mayer  — Nov 16, 2012


Hello From Heaven!  A New Field of Research by: Bill Guggenheim, Judy Guggenheim — 1995






1.  Directory of IADC practitioners 


2.  For one-on-one sessions with empath Paul Selig, visit








They lost their loved ones to Covid. Then they heard from them again

By John Blake, CNN

 Sun June 20, 2021

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